The trip would not start easily, however, as Old Man Winter decided to show his face during our drive up. As a result, we pulled in at the cabin amidst a bout of freezing rain and snow. Although we arrived unscathed, we were all glad to be out of the storm.
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Andy looking out at the lake through a snowstorm |
So, Justin and I made a rather hasty trip into the dark with a bucket of cameras and smelly stuff. Whether I catch anything or not, it's fun to try. Its also fun to bring a different scent lure each year.....just to mix things up a bit. This year my lures of choice were Beaver castor, Muskrat Gland and Fish Oil.
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Applying some Muskrat gland to a stick that will be stuck in the snow in front of a camera |
"Catching up" often includes long, even-keeled debates on topics such as which NFL quarterbacks should be considered among the top 10 or 15 in the league.
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Chad and Andy discuss things.... |
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Chad and Andy discuss things further..... |
After a discussion that left all parties satisfied, we played cards and then turned-in at a reasonable hour. One needs plenty of rest to effectively fish in the morning.
We awoke to the sight of frosted trees, thanks to the Old Man's activities.....
....and the view from the lake was very nice....
Once out on the ice, we began to drill holes with the ice auger so that our fishing tip-ups could be set....
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Justin (background) and Hank (foreground) help Dan (right) drill and clean out a hole in the ice |
Then it was back inside for some breakfast.......
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Nate is nice enough to cook most of the meals on the trip, and boy-howdy....they are good! |
After breakfast, we waited....and played cards. Cribbage is a favorite, as is Euchre.
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Dan, Chad, Andy and Justin wait for some action on the ice.... |
We have almost no demands on our time, which allows us to undertake whatever whim comes to mind. For example, I was able to do some random meandering and hunt for tracks in the fresh snow. Most of what I found belonged to White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus).
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A heavily used Deer trail into the woods (note the woodpecker tree to the right). |
Rodents and Shrews were among the more interesting trails I found in the snow, and although I was hoping for Fisher or weasel, I'll take what I can get....
By the end of day 1, we had done pretty well fishing. A total of 11 fish...including the Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) and Walleye (Sander vitreus) below.
The next morning broke clear and breezy. The weather front, which had hung over us the day before, moved on.
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Nate and Andy working on clearing the holes in the ice |
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Nate and Chad checking the gear before deployment |
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The gang playing cribbage, patiently waiting for the next fish |
Thus, a nice fire was in order....
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Andy and Chad work on the fire, no easy feat when it is on top of snow and there is very little dry wood around |
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The fire takes on life! |
Although the fire and conversation were great fun, our last full day of fishing ended with only one capture: a single Northern Pike (Esox lucius).
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Chad holds our only capture on the second day of fishing. |
The camera traps deployed were a similar story. Very little activity and what we got was mostly White-tailed Deer (which is a small improvement over the last two years).
They even came in for a sniff of the camera.....
Of course we also got lots of pics of the two pooches that come along for the trip.....and their ball.
As you can see: few things in life trump Ball.....
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Note: Wrigley (on the right) with Ball and Hank (center) whom first wanted Ball, but now sees the camera |
Ball is all-consuming....
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Wrigley repeatedly picking up and re-presenting Ball to us, while Hank investigates the camera |
It matters not if the Master ignores them at first. So long as they continually present Ball to the Master...the Master will eventually be driven to madness, and they will recieve their reward.....Ball.
There is one OTHER thing that almost rivals the importance of Ball for these dogs....and that's thieving bait that I've put in front of my camera traps.
Even if that bait is frozen Fish Oil.
Note the bottle in my hand, as I dump out some fish oil sporadically.
Now, note the giant frozen sheet of fish oil that Wrigley has decided to liberate.
After this year, I'll also give up using our left-over minnows as camera bait (or will only do it in front of cameras that are further away). I've seen past evidence of Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) on the ice near our tip-ups scavenging the left-overs, which gave me the idea in the first place.
BUT...any camera trap on the ice with minnows in front only attracts two naughty canines.... :)
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Hank (left) and Wrigley (right) stealing my bait.... |
And no matter how many times one yells "Leave it!", they are just so sneaky....
...and eventually they cleaned out every jowl-lickin' one of those fish-cicles.
It's also worth noting that the pictures above are but a few of several hundred that the cameras snapped of Hank and Wrigley.'s pretty hard to be mad at them. I'm asking alot of the dogs by putting out food and expecting them to ignore it. Plus, they know how to find the soft-spot.....
And so it was that our time at the cabin ended for 2014. We pulled out of the driveway with heavy-hearts and drove off to face the real world again.
It seems a shame that every day can't be like the time we spend ice fishing in January.
But...if that were so....we wouldn't have anything to look forward to next year, would we? If I frame it in this way, then the road back to reality doesn't seem so dismal.
In's actually kinda pretty....
It sure sounds as if you had a great time! Cold but fun!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great get together.